a detainee family reveals how he was killed under torture by UAE-backed militias

Editor20 مايو 2019
a detainee family reveals how he was killed under torture by UAE-backed militias

The family of Sarhan Bushamal, who was killed under torture in the prisons of the UAE-backed Shabani forces in early October 2018 revealed the circumstances of the case.


Sarhan’s brother, Ali Saleh Bushamal, said that Sarhan was subjected to various kinds of brutal torture. The soldiers tied his hands and legs behind him and hit him with iron pipes in various parts of his body. They beat him with electricity, dragged him behind the vehicles, tied him to the roof of the prison and deprived him of eating and drinking.


Sarhan’s family called on Shabwa’s governor to issue directives to arrest the murderers of Sarhan, who are still moving freely, protected by the Shabani elite.


The family explained that they were being blackmailed and threatened by the Shabwani elite to stop demanding the rights of their son Sarhan, who was killed under torture.


The young Sarhan Saleh Bushmell died under torture in the prisons of the Shabawani elite forces at Ezzan axis in early October 2018.

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